Receive healing energy when you need it most. Reiki can help with stress & anxiety and may ease discomfort or pain. The client remains dressed.

A sense of calm may stay with you for quite some time afterwards.

Crystals can be included in your Reiki treatment.

Full Reiki treatment


  • Train with me for Reiki 1. Please enquire for details
cropped shot of reiki healer doing therapy session to calm young woman with closed eyes
Many different gemstones on black wooden table

Crystal Therapy

Crystal Therapy aims to improve your well-being by re-balancing the flow of natural life force energy with healing crystals. Illness occurs when there are blocks and stagnant energy in your Aura and body. Crystal Therapy helps to improve stress, aches, pains, low mood and lack of energy.

Healing Crystals for home use are available to purchase.

I also use Reiki as part of my Crystal treatment.

Crystal Therapy

50 mins


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